Untitled (concrete), 2014
concrete, glass, paint
82 × 60 × 10 cm
Untitled (collage Titel), 2014
Untitled (collage Titel), 2014
spray paint on glass, paper on wood
Gitter Bild, 2014
spray paint on glass
Das neue Unscharf, 2014
spray paint on glass
143 × 103 cm
Untitled (sculpture), 2014
metal, lacquer, optical lenses, wood
185 × 114 × 114 cm
Untitled (boxes), 2014
paint on wood, steel, canvas, glass, gouache on paper
2 frames: each 100 × 70 cm,
vitrine: 30 × 73 × 25 cm
Untitled (black), 2014
wood, glass, found object, steel
double frame: each 40 × 30 cm, table leg, vase: 120 × 33 × 17 cm, stack (92 frames): 180 × 32 × 26 cm
Degrees of disappearance, 2014
glass, wood, paint
4 parts: 30 × 20 cm; 40 × 30 cm;
50 × 40 cm; 60 × 50 cm
Untitled (lamp), 2014
neon, lacquer, metal, concrete
120 cm
Untitled (Ektoplasma), 2014
spraypaint on board, epoxy
183 × 163 cm
Untitled (Quilt), 2014
paper on board, epoxy
183 × 163 cm
Innem Raum, inner Nacht, 2014
graphite on paper, concrete and paint on glass, spraypaint on board, epoxy, ink on paper, paint on glass, spray-paint on glass, paint on paper and glass
7 parts, drawing (framed): 42 × 32,2 cm; concrete: 43 × 32,5 × 3 cm, ectoplasma: 42 × 32,2 cm;
writing (framed): 42 × 32,2 cm;
frame 90°: 42 × 4 × 32,2 cm; lacquer on glass (framed): 42 × 32,2 cm,
painting on glass (framed): 42 × 32,2 cm
Untitled (frame), 2014
spray paint on glass
100 × 70 cm in two pieces
Untitled (space), 2014
spray-paint on board, lacquer on glass, spray-paint on glass, acrylic and ink on canvas, neon and acrylic glass
5 parts
ectoplasma: 103 × 80 × 5,5 cm; lacquer on glass (framed): 103 × 73 cm;
frame 90°: 103 × 5 × 73 cm;
canvas: 103 × 81 cm;
light box: 103 × 80 × 16 cm
Das Verhängnis im Verhältnis, 2014
acrylic and ink on canvas, paper on wood
213 × 183 cm
Mathilde's coincidence, 2014
acrylic and ink on canvas
163 × 143 cm
Der Zerfall der Eigenschaften / Collapse of Feature (T.S. Eliot), 2014
pencil on paper, color on wood
100 × 70 × 15 cm